Saturday, September 13, 2008

Just When I Thought BET Had Destroyed the Black Community Enough, Here Comes The Corn Refiners Association!

So the other day, I was at the gym I was watching the new episode of Project Runway while I tried to get my Beyonce Knowles workout on. On commercial break an ad came on that highly disturbed and perturbed me. It was exalting the alleged benefits of high fructose corn syrup!! Please take a second to watch.

Now I found this video problematic from start to finish! Lets dissect, shall we.........

1. Why Did the Lady Pouring herself Drink* have to be a sister!?

* Drink for those of you who may not know is a term used to describe any sort of tasty liquid that is not made from 100 percent juice but some combination of concentrate, sugar/ corn syrup and water. Its often described on the bottle as "Juice Drink". Common examples include Sunny Delight, Tampico, Veryfine and my personal favorite Hugs. It is often the cheapest beverage in the store and I find it protects my stomach well from the spicy tail end of a delicious hot wing.

I just think that this commercial has reinforced the stereotype of black people making unhealthy food choices. Yeah diabetes and hypertension are prominent in our community but perhaps it wold have helped serve as an example if she had made better food choices. At least she said it was ok in moderation.... we will follow up on this comment later.

2. Captain Save a Black Person aka Becky:

Notice how Becky the local nosy neighbor swooped down on the sister. Why is it that white people feel that they have the liberty to step in where they are not invited and instruct you whats wrong!? The makers of this commercial knew what was up with a Sista and how she would react and instead of suffering a fine for offense language toned the commercial down. However allow me to translate the conversation and provide an alternate ending.

Becky: "Wow you don't care what the kids eat" Translation: I know you did not ask me to come over here however because I feel that I have a certain entitlement I am going to come over here and be nosy and tell you how to raise your child while my own child is running around in the background like she has no hometraining

Sista: Excuse Me? Translation: Oh no this heifer did not just come over here

Becky: " That has high fructose corn syrup in it" Translation: Let me educate this black woman because I know so much more than everyone!

Sista: "And?" Translation: You need to mind your business hopefully by my tone you will get some sense and go away

Becky: "You know they say about it?" Translation: Whether you know so or not I am going to tell you about it anyhow

Sista: "Like What" Translation : I hope you see me looking at you as if you have lost your mind coming over here interrupting my summer drink

Becky: Now in the real world this is when Sista would have told Becky mind your damn own business and do not come up to her as a random telling her how to raise her kids without any facts. Followed up with a few more choice words that could not be shown on tv.

I need all the Becky's out there to fall back. Even for the percentage of you who men well, you are setting yourself up for the curse out.

3. The Deceptive High Fructose Corn Syrup Propaganda

This is yet another example of how you want to always do your homework. I am going to school you a bit on high fructose corn syrup. First, corn farmers one of the most powerful lobbying groups on Capital Hill produced this commercial to encourage you and I to buy more corn and give them more money. Why would they not do anything in their power to get people to get off their health kick and buy more corn. These people are like your neighborhood pusher. By any means necessary!

I went onto the site the commercial directs you to and pulled out a few contentions the organization makes and took liberty to respond:

  • Research confirms that high fructose corn syrup is safe and no different from other common sweeteners like table sugar and honey. All three sweeteners are nutritionally the same. [except the fact the HFCS is super refined! They take corn make it into cornstarch THEN make it into fructose. Its like intravenous drugs..... the cheap kind Whitney will not smoke... impurities and all! What seems better natural raw cane sugar/ honey or this nonsense]
  • High fructose corn syrup has the same number of calories as table sugar and is equal in sweetness. It contains no artificial or synthetic ingredients.
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted high fructose corn syrup "Generally Recognized as Safe" status for use in food, and reaffirmed that ruling in 1996 after thorough review. [ummmm the FDA once told pregnant women it was ok to smoke. Clearly their word is not bond!]

Not to mention that this commercial says HFCS is ok in moderation. However People must know that HFCS is in everything. Check your bread label next time you think you are making a super natural sandwich. Is in there. Here is the Mayo Clinics word on HFCS:

High-fructose corn syrup is a sweetener and preservative used in many
processed foods. It is made by changing the sugar in cornstarch to fructose —
another form of sugar.

Some nutrition experts blame increased consumption
of high-fructose corn syrup for the growing obesity problem. One theory is that
fructose is more readily converted to fat by your liver than is sucrose,
increasing the levels of fat in your bloodstream.

In addition, animal studies have shown a link between increased consumption
of high-fructose corn syrup and adverse health effects, such as diabetes and
high cholesterol.

These types of foods are often high in calories and low in nutritional value.
This fact alone is reason to be cautious about foods containing high-fructose
corn syrup.

To reduce high-fructose corn syrup in your diet, read food labels. Avoid or
limit foods that contain high-fructose corn syrup. Some other easy tips for
cutting back on high-fructose corn syrup

Anyhow say Toye is not a health advocate. As I sip my McDonalds Sweet Tea, I urge you to contact these fools and express disdain for this commercial at:

Corn Refiners Association
Web: Phone: 202.331.1634Fax: 202.331.2054US Mail: 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 950 Washington, DC 20006-5805

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In Honor of NY Fashion Week: Some Trends I Find to be a Hot Mess

Some of you may know that this week is New York Fashion Week. Whether you are a guy or girl, this is something that affects you. We all have a little part of us that wants to look as fresh as possible. New York Fashion week kind of sets the tone for what will be hot in the upcoming season. So for my male readers in particular who claim they do not care about things like that.... hate to break it to you but you do .... indirectly.

For instance you did not magically choose to put that itchy wool button up cardigan on your way to the hot club. Nope you have fashion week to thank for that. See, Jean Paul Gauthier or Marc Jacobs had some skinny guy walking down the runway in a cardigan, Jigga in the audience saw it and wore a cardigan to his next photo shoot, and you saw him in Vibe and magically were "inspired" to put that Mister Rogeresque thick cardigan on as you went to a club, a place that's already hot as hell and subject yourself to heat stroke. Anyhow if you can check the style magazines in the following months (In Style for girls or GQ for guys) if you want to see what will be hot this Spring.

However, sometimes NY Fashion week brings trends that are so inconceivable and a hot mess in general. Two trends that I really would like to say a big sarcastic thank you to designers from the Fall 2008 week that we all will be subjected to:

1. Robin Hood Men in Tights: Grown Men with Skinny Jeans!!

Ok perhaps they are not tights. But they are TIGHT. No man should be wearing the same skinny jeans as their girlfriend. American Apparel a clothing outlet even has the nerve to have unisex versions. I should not be wearing the same jeans as my boo!! Now I appreciate a well tailored man and do not support pants falling off you behind to the point I can see your boxers but I need you not to step out gentleman looking like you shrank your clothes in the laundry.

2. Your Toes Must be Hot and the Rest of Your Foot is Cold: Peep-toe boots

These are inappropriate. Ladies please know that there are some classic things that stay around forever. However, these boots, like sleeveless turtlenecks are completely impractical and have no staying power. Whats the point of boots and my toes are cold? I personally am not trying to catch pneumonia through my feet. As someone interested in the public health I chose not to participate and urge you not to as well ladies!!

Anyhow to see what will be hot for this coming spring check out fashion week coverage here.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Roland Martin Says Elisabeth Hasslebeck Drinks Nothing But Haterade

So Elisabeth Hasselbeck the View's resident conservative has gotten out of pocket...... nothing new. Now I guess I should be up front with it. I can not stand her! Not because she is right wing because honestly I am bit conservative on some issues. Its because I think she is a close-minded simpleton.

So Elisabeth went to the Grand Ole Perpetrators Convention and at a public luncheon stated that Michelle Obama has something to hide. Watch the video yourself right here folks.

Roland Martin said she "Drinks nothing but haterade" I love Roland with his elf looking self. I have been saying this for years!!

No but really GOP Barbie I need you to simmer down. I think what pisses me off about her is she reminds me of a few girls I went to high school with. They grew up privileged, sheltered and without struggle ( I mean her biggest struggle in life may have been her stint on Survivor!!) Yet they have the nerve to be so judgmental and adamant about their views, when they have no idea how life would be for them if they had grown up differently. They are conservative because they have the privilege to do so.

For instant Brisket Palin. She has a family and a shotgun wedding fiance to help her care for her child. Its a regular ole Little House on the Prairie up in her house. However, conservatives think abstinence should be the only form of Sex Ed. Now look how well that worked for Brisket.

What about Kiesha in Southeast D.C. or Becky Sue in low Appalachia? Who have no money or even maybe family to help them care for an impending unplanned pregnancy? Something more than just do not do it may have been more helpful. Now who will help them when the baby is here? Some understanding wold probably help instead of conservative scorn from the likes of Elisabeth.

Anyhow her comment was unprofessional but just showing more of her hater tendencies However, I think the media does not realize Michelle is not studying her. So GOP Barbie can smile in her face on the show and talk trash behind Chells back because she and B have an election to win. So I give Elisabeth a "Hi Hater!!"

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sarah Palin is Messing with Oprah's Money!!

Aww hell to the No ! Sarah Palin aka Karen from Will and Grace.


(Hope we do not find out she was pill popping like Karen!!)
Anyhow, so some heifers are upset that Lady O will not let Palin on her show. First of all Oprah has been down for B since he was running for Senate. What do they expect!? This woman's show is the OPRAH WINFREY show hosted and produced by Oprah Wnifrey. She does not have to do a thing! These women are confused!
The Florida Federation of Republican Women made the decision to boycott the
Oprah Winfrey Show Saturday, after the media mogul refused to have Gov. Sarah
Palin as a guest on her show until after the election wraps up.
"Women in
Florida helped build Oprah into the icon she is today," Linda Ivell, President
of the FFRW said in a statement. "We are deeply disappointed in Ms. Winfrey's
decision to sit out the greatest political moment in the history of women since
The talk show host denied accusations Friday, that she was even
considering the vice presidential nominee as a guest.
"At the beginning of
this presidential campaign when I decided that I was going to take my first
public stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show
as a plat for any of the candidates," Winfrey wrote in a statement, responding
to a story from The Drudge report claiming her staff was "sharply divided" on
whether they should book the Alaska Governor.
Winfrey agreed Palin would be a
"fantastic interview," but wouldn't invite her on until after the November
The Florida Federation of Republican Women, the "largest political
organization in Florida," celebrating the groups 58 year anniversary is also
encouraging members to cancel subscriptions to O Magazine, Ivell said.
find it to be an abuse of her power -gained on the backs of our patronage of her
advertising empire - to use her program to so blatantly support Obama in the
face of this historic moment. So, we are tuning out and canceling our
subscriptions to O Magazine and encourage other women to do the same," Ms Ivell
Winfrey came under fire from some of her supporters in December after
campaigning with the Democratic nominee in South Carolina.
Ivell did not say
the Florida Republicans would be tuning out indefinitely, but at least until
'after the election.' Adding, she and her members respect the decision to
support Obama, "as every American is entitled to their personal opinion and
Damn these people are about to get Oprah like those cattle farmers. Can she live!? This woman said Oprah is abusing her power. If I was Oprah, I would say " Yeah and.!? This here is my show, when you get the Florida Republicans show you can do the same thing!" I have to give Lady O her props. Usually she does not really take a stand on things outright. I am glad she is sticking to her guns and Riding for B!
Note: As the election approaches some may want me to be more friendly to the conservatives as these people want Oprah to be to Palin. Check the blog title. Its TOYE TALKS. I'm talking! My thoughts . This is written by Toye! Comments are welcome always though!

DNC RNC Kwame . Its Been a Busy Few Weeks

Hey Guys!!

I know its been a while since my last post!! Hope you will keep reading this blog. I was glued to politics on tv. Blame that on my neglect of my beloved blog. Toye is back though. Fired up and Ready TO GO!!!

Now on to the matter at hand. Here are a few topics that I must speak on:

1. Post Olympics Glory!

So the Olympics are over. I am sad I have no sporting events to get up for at random hours at night to watch on tv. (Although Fox Sports Net Has just been "hooked up" by the cable guy on the side. So premeir league here I come!) I miss watching the fine sprinters. I am sad my Nigerian SuperEagles lost to Argentina and only got the silver medal in soccer. (Even though Argentina probably was at their worst because of the 100 degree temp, the Supereagles did not score!! Which in my eyes is unacceptable since playing in hella hot temps is a normal day for the Nigerians!! Ugh back to the topic at hand!!)

In reflection I have an issue. Usain Bolt. This man is the fastest man on earth! So why was the media hating on him for not being humble enough. I need them to go sit their selves down somewhere. If I could get my self off the couch in close to 9 seconds I would be celebrating like he was. I say let him dance! Not everyone is bland Michael Phelps and Y'all saw Cool Runnings !!! Jamaicans will celebrate more than a black family at Ray Rays gradation or Pumpkins release!! Lets not pretend. So I say gwon Usain !!

2. Democratic National Convention/ GOP (Grand Ole Perpetrators) Convention

So each time the Olympics ends I am inspired to start running again or take up water polo or some Olympian feat. However, I change channels and the convention started so I stayed on my couch. So I clearly have not run anywhere. Next week though.....really I promise!

The DNC was fab. My Barack a Boo inspired as always and Michelle was on point as always. Its nice to see a power family. Also I am glad they started taming the girls hair! Joe Bidden gives Obama the balance he needs to get undecided voters! Also Hillary really threw support his way. I hope her supporters vote for him. I had no complaints except this crazy heifer here who they interviewed right after Hillary's speech.

This heifer got all emotional. Clearly a plant by the likes of the GOP with her butterfly barrettes and Yaki #2!!! Saying she won't vote for McCain but may not vote for Obama? Boo either way you will have voted for McCain. Crazy!!

The RNC was the other end of the spectrum.....

networks showed this:

I saw this :

I mean ok maybe that was going to far but really besides Cowboy Troy, how many other African Americans did you see? Few!!! Also they are a bunch of elitists. Judgmental and Hypercritical. I actually have conservative views, however, I do not think they should all be intertwined with how this country is run or how others live. Nor do I constantly contradict myself Hence, why I am not your traditional conservative who says they are pro-life but a death penalty advocate or who advocates abstinence as the only sex ed. 9Sarah Palins daughter Brisket is a shinning example of where that leads you!!

And that Sarah Palin. Some say her speech was inspiring. I say it showed me I need to make sure my passport and their traveling papers are in order. Cause if her and Old Wrinkly Dude win I am taking expatriate status.

3. This Fool Again

Finally!! Kwame is going to jail! Maybe someone read the Kwamefesto

Kwame will be going to jail and will have to pay the city of Detroit 1 million dollars in restitution. Perhaps he can sell his Stacy Adams Suit Collection to pay some of that. He has also been disbarred.

All I have to say is good riddance and Kwame don't drop the soap!
Have a good Sunday Folks!