So recent polls have Senator Barack Obama ahead of John McCain as much as 14 points on some polls. While this is great I am not convinced that its a shoe in for him. This situation is kind of like when I played high school sports when you knew you were playing the heavily favored to win team. You had to get far ahead right when the game started to ensure victory because the other team was sure to pull some hail mary type ish at the end of the game and your but would lose when you were so sure you would win. Well thats the situation with Barack.
The last 2 weeks we have seen closet racists come out on mass. Remind me not to wear any Obama gear if he wins for awhile because I see already some people will be UPSET. Didn't I tell y'all that GOP convention reminded me of a Klan Rally?! They are at McCain rallies yelling "Kill Obama" , "Obama Bin Lyin" , " He's and Arab", "He's a Terrorist". There is a pic of someone at a rally with a shirt saying Obama in the white house ..... N***a Please. You know the McCain camp is not helping. The have been doing nothing but fear mongering.
Then people want to get mad at Congressman John Lewis for saying that the feeling at recent rallies is like how they were at Gov George Wallace's rallies during his run for president during the civil rights movement and that the campaign is "sowing the seeds of racial division". McCain says he's lost respect for John Lewis for saying such a thing. (click here to catch up on the drama)
McCain needs to keep it real. He may not have said anything outright but he sure has not stopped his side kick pit bull in lipstick Sarahcuda and their followers from being off the chain. John Lewis was beat to a pulp by a mob in Alabama along with hundreds of SNCC volunteers in Alabama and four little girls were bombed in a chrch in Alabama a little over a year later. I am sure that started off with similar crowds of people. I think Kill Obama being shouted at a rally and allowing it seems a little like George Wallace Johnny boy. I think John Lewis a man with steel plates in his head now knows what the undertones of hatred look like. Even Fidel Castro has said:
“Profound racism exists in the United States,” as he weighed in on the US
presidential race ahead of the November 4 election. “Millions of whites cannot
reconcile in their minds with the idea that a black man with his wife and
children would move into the White House, which is called just like that —
White,” he wrote. He added that it was a “pure miracle” the Illinois senator,
who became the first black politician to win the Democratic Party’s presidential
nomination, had not been assassinated thus far.
Come on now even tyrant Fidel sees whats up! I maintain if Barack Obama was Barry O'Brien that he wold be ahead by a landslide. However thats not the case. So I need Barack to tighten up security. Like if he wins he needs those bodyguards T.I. was buying the AK-47's for or the Nation of Islam guards to have his back. He will need it. Also we all need to watch out because I can see the closet racists are not so closet anymore and I can not have him being a victim.
So these next 20 days lets see what happens and if people actually vote for him. Catch the last debate tonite at 9pm .
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