So clearly I am proof that New Years Resolution's are easily broken. On January 1, 2010 I promised I would write computer crashed two days here it is April 21 and I am back! Thank Dell Preffered Finance and this situation I am about to comment on for my return.
Recently, I got an iPhone. I know you are thinking so what? But honestly I don't know how I functioned without it prior. I do everything with it. It's my bestfriend. We are tight. It was love at first sight. I call it iBoo. So some haters out there following the announcement of the iPad, iBoo's big brother, felt that there was no possible need for the device since you could get a computer or an iPhone. I dispute these attacks on my boo's brother because trust if I get $400 in discretionary income, like Swizz Beatz said:"I'll be on to the next one"
However, in this ever changing world leave it to ignorant people to make a bad name for the iFamily:
An ireporter (basically me everyday when I take pics of kids acting a fool on DC metro on my iPhone) was at my old stomping grounds, Lenox Mall in Atlanta GA and saw this fool who was more than willing to pose with his iPad on a chain. Is that what we are doing now?? We are wearing technology! And you know he was playing Gucci Mane or some other foolish rubbish. He thinks he is fly. iReporter thinksthat he is a fool. I find myself per usual like I want to on the metro, wanting to put on my invisible cape and pretend not to be associated with this young man by race.
I know I shouldn't say that. Cause honestly I love being Black.......until we do this foolishness! I was so angered by this that I immediately came to write here to vent!!! Like honestly, why do we feel that ignorance is cool? You look a fool and no one takes you seriously. And now certain types of people will make value judgments about me based on you wearing a iPad around your neck! Prayerfully its not the next person who interviews my under 30 self for a job. I want us to do better.
Also is this man serious! Sir how much street cred do you have rockin an iPad around your neck. Hope you are not walking to the MARTA Station with that on cause trust "pumkin and dem" will jack you.
Anyhow someone just hit me on gchat on my iBoo gotta run! But this is just the beginning. I am back and committed to getting Toye back to Talking.
3 hours ago
I got to the picture of the Negro with the big ass iChain (?) and I stopped. I'm trying to be positive this year and I don't need another reminder why we can't (read: don't) win. Leave it to a fellow of African decent in America to turn a piece of useless technology (the iPad really is just a big ass iPhone) into Nigger Technology.
Pure comedy! I'm so glad you're back at it. I, personally, am happy that our brother decided to express himself by 'goin digital' with his jewelry. If he hadn't, you wouldn't be blogging again. I look forward to the next entry!
P.S. I also am in a committed relationship with my iBoo... We are in the bed together as I type!
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