"We the jury in the case of Orenthal James Simpson find the Defendant guilty"
So Juice could be going to jail for the rest of his life. I can not say I feel bad for him This may offend those OJ supporters reading, especially those fools who ran behind the white Bronco supporting this fool on his infamous police chase.
However I am sorry OJ is an idiot. His stupidity alone makes him deserve jail time!
Sir you are lucky we live in a nation where having the best attorney money can buy and dealing with the LAPD's constant screw ups can get you out a pickle! You and I both know you killed your ex wife!! If I had gotten off for murder I would keep such a low profile for the rest of my life. Especially with Ron Goldmans family following you everywhere making sure you pay in anyway! (The Goldmans are serious. They do not even call him by his name anymore. They refer to him as the killer!)
However OJ chose to write a book called If I Did It............ Now you know I think I am going to submit to the American Psychological Association a new disorder. The OJ Simpson Syndrome. This syndrome is celebrities who have such a sense of self worth that they think they can do any damn thing they please. OSS often causes clouded judgment and extreme acts of stupidity. A celeb most recently affected with OSS is R Kelly as displayed in that interview with Toure. (This man after being acquitted of statutory rape had the nerve when asked if he liked teenage girls to ask the interviewer to clarify how old they meant. Ummmmm ..... the correct response is no simpleton! )
Then the fool busts into a room to collect his stuff and is armed. Sir!! You knew they were going to lock you up for that one! White people feel like they lost last time with that small incident with the bloody glove and all and then you were acquitted. You know they were going to get you this time! I find it coincidental the verdict came down the same date he was found not guilty for the murder. The jury was making a point and teaching the Juice a lesson.
I hope the Juice does not drop the soap! He should say whats up to Kwame Kilpatrick in the Fed Pen.
1 comment:
I'm not going to call Orenthal James a coon, but what he did to get himself landed in jail (possibly for life) was certainly coonish behavior. I mean, who does that?! Ever since that "book idea" all of Orenthal James' actions screamed "Arrest me and put me under the jail, PLEASE!". To get away with killing two (count 'em, TWO) white people and then to do something like bust into somone's hotel room with fire arms, to get your stuff back sans any type of law enforcement officer present or any kind of legal authority, is blatantly and unapologetically coonish!
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