3 hours ago
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) — A white social studies teacher attempted to enliven a
seventh-grade discussion of slavery by binding the hands and feet of two black
girls, prompting outrage from one girl's mother and the local chapter of the
NAACP. After the mother complained to Haverstraw Middle School, the
superintendent said he was having "conversations with our staff on how to
deliver effective lessons."
"If a student was upset, then it was a bad idea,"
said Superintendent Brian Monahan of the North Rockland School District in New
York City's northern suburbs.
The teacher apologized to the mother who
complained and her 13-year-old daughter during a meeting Thursday that also
included a representative of the local NAACP. But the mother, Christine Shand of
Haverstraw, said Friday she thinks the teacher should be removed from the
"I think the teacher should have gotten some discipline," Shand said.
"I know if that was me, I would be uncomfortable going back to that class. Why
should my daughter have to switch?"
Monahan refused to say what, if any,
measures were taken against the teacher, Eileen Bernstein, who was still working
on Friday. The school district said she was not available for comment.
encourage our teachers to deliver the curriculum in a variety of ways, to go
beyond just reading the textbook," the superintendent said. "We don't want to
discourage creativity. But this obviously went wrong because the student was
On Nov. 18, Bernstein was discussing the conditions under which
African captives were taken to America in slave ships. She bound the two
students' hands and feet with tape and had them crawl under a desk to simulate
the experience, Monahan and Shand said. Monahan said the girls were not the only
blacks in the class.
Gabrielle Shand burst into tears at home, her mother
Alright......... here is my issue with this whole situation. Yes the teacher was a complete simpleton. However, I feel like the kids involved are also clearly the ones who need to be knocked upside the head as well. What do I look like in 2008 letting ANYONE tie me up for a slavery demonstration. Did that not seem wrong to them? Have they not seen Roots? The mom talking about that teacher needed some discipline. So does your child for making you all look the fool!! She also needs some common sense!!