Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!! This blog is still active and I apologize for the infrequent posting but I have been super busy. However, I will be back in 09 with more regular posting. So next time someone decides to up and chuck two shoes at the commander and chief (Hopefully not Barack-a-Boo) or do some other ignorant mess, you'll know to come here for some great commentary.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

We's Free!!

Clearly some people are unaware of this very well known fact.......................

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) — A white social studies teacher attempted to enliven a
seventh-grade discussion of slavery by binding the hands and feet of two black
girls, prompting outrage from one girl's mother and the local chapter of the
NAACP. After the mother complained to Haverstraw Middle School, the
superintendent said he was having "conversations with our staff on how to
deliver effective lessons."
"If a student was upset, then it was a bad idea,"
said Superintendent Brian Monahan of the North Rockland School District in New
York City's northern suburbs.
The teacher apologized to the mother who
complained and her 13-year-old daughter during a meeting Thursday that also
included a representative of the local NAACP. But the mother, Christine Shand of
Haverstraw, said Friday she thinks the teacher should be removed from the
"I think the teacher should have gotten some discipline," Shand said.
"I know if that was me, I would be uncomfortable going back to that class. Why
should my daughter have to switch?"
Monahan refused to say what, if any,
measures were taken against the teacher, Eileen Bernstein, who was still working
on Friday. The school district said she was not available for comment.
encourage our teachers to deliver the curriculum in a variety of ways, to go
beyond just reading the textbook," the superintendent said. "We don't want to
discourage creativity. But this obviously went wrong because the student was
On Nov. 18, Bernstein was discussing the conditions under which
African captives were taken to America in slave ships. She bound the two
students' hands and feet with tape and had them crawl under a desk to simulate
the experience, Monahan and Shand said. Monahan said the girls were not the only
blacks in the class.
Gabrielle Shand burst into tears at home, her mother

Alright......... here is my issue with this whole situation. Yes the teacher was a complete simpleton. However, I feel like the kids involved are also clearly the ones who need to be knocked upside the head as well. What do I look like in 2008 letting ANYONE tie me up for a slavery demonstration. Did that not seem wrong to them? Have they not seen Roots? The mom talking about that teacher needed some discipline. So does your child for making you all look the fool!! She also needs some common sense!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

In Case You Missed It.........

Real Housewives of Atlanta The Reunion Show was all that I could have dreamed of!! Now I was going to give you a recap, however I found someone to do a better job than I EVER could!!

This fool said in reference to Kim's wig that all that glimmers is not gold.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stealing Keith Obermans Line....."Today's Worst Person in the World is Alan Keyes"

I think for the most part I give everyone the benefit of the doubt..... however I can not stand Uncle Ruckus in live form, Alan Keyes. This man has serious serious issues. I remember in undergrad he came to speak at my school and said that he had no problem with racial profiling because its like if someone wearing a polka dot shirt robbed a store and he walked in that store wearing a polka dot shirt that he knows that the police would just be doing their civic duty in stopping him. Wake up Ruckus! You can take off the shirt you can not take off your brown skin!!
Anyhow, he is now suing Barack Obama, our President Elect and the man he lost his race for US Senator from Illinois ( even though this man is from MD but he is fine being a tool off the GOP wherever they need him) and lost this years Presidency to (Oh yes bet you did not know that he also ran as a Independent this year. Toye gives you all the news you can use) In November, Keyes filed a lawsuit against Obama, the California secretary of state, and others, to stop California from giving its electoral votes to Obama until a birth certificate is produced proving that he is indeed a natural born citizen.
This man brings hater to the next level!!! Sir you are like that guy on the playground always talking about "ohhhh I know you saw him kick dirt on your puma's, you gonna let him steep on your pumas!" Like why are you relevant at all right now? Stirring up all kind of trouble. Essence interviewed him here :
However the interviewer is nicer than me, I would have held up a mirror for him to use and asked him one sole question, .... "Do your realize you are black?" Someone has to let him know what he clearly is unaware of, that like Uncle Ruckus he too is black and there is no such thing as reverse Vitaligo! I consider it my civic duty.

Friday, November 21, 2008

None of The Other Kids Will Play With Me!!

Well looks like after eight years of not making nice with world leaders. They are not even putting on airs about their dislike for Lil Bush. Watch as NONE of the world leaders on this clip shake Bush's hand.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Real Hotmess of Atlanta: Your Cheat Sheet

Yeah I said it...............

Pic taken on finale show after allegedly drawing a truce. (Pictured L to R: NeNe, Lisa, DeShawn, Sheree, Kim, Kim's wig)

I know that in the glow of our country having its first African American president, that I must do better, Obama has set the bar high for achievement. I promise to strive for greatness......... after next Tuesday at 9pm BECAUSE THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ATL has off the chain DRAMA!!!
So for those of you who are not obsessed like myself and the other viewers who have made this show Bravo's number one show. I am going to give you a quick breakdown of the on scene and behind the scene drama from this season:

On-screen: You know the basic story. NeNe and Sheree can not stand each other. Kim and her rat like wig can not sing (or spell...KAT is not how you spell Cat). Kim left NeNe's friendship for Sheree's fakeness. Lisa and DeShawn try to mediate. I mean really there is much more to the on screen show. But by now after all I have said about this show.... AND the fact that even Anderson Cooper raves about it..... AND you still have made the conscious decision not to watch...... then baby I need you to catch a marathon because Toye would be talking all day on this.

Off Screen: Watch these clips from the upcoming reunion show first:

Lisa curses out Kim

Nene curses out Kim

Ok soooo yeah..... wondering why Lisa of all people is going off on Kim?

Well apparently prior to the taping of this show, Kim was out in public saying that the reason Lisa does not have custody of her two older children is because she had a drug problem *Actually she allegedly called her a crackhead, but I said I would be more tactful about it.

Anyhow Lisa was NOT happy and even before the taping left the following message for Kim on her phone:

Lisa tells Kim you betta call me!

Now Kim allegedly is fearful for her childrens safety? Heifer you are more a danger for those kids than Lisa could ever be. Smoking and drinking like that in the house in front of them....ever heard of second hand smoke?? Also real classy role model you are, being another mans mistress and getting money from him and all..... can't wait to see how those girls turn out.

Speaking of Kim. She keeps talking about her alleged career and working with Dallas Austin, Chilli's baby daddy and hit producer. Ha! Dallas said just recently said on a blog on his Myspace page :

We are not doing a song, we are not doing an album ... that was only for

Gee guess that means her soon to be #543 hit on the country charts "Tightrope" will not be coming out soon. I think its hilarious that he immediately set the public straight.

I saved the best and juciest for last. Don't ever say your girl did not give you the gossip.

Sheree presents herself as so classy and fabulous and so much above NeNe...........interesting.

See turns out Sheree and Toye are from the same hometown. Doing some digging look what we found. Apparently Sheree Fuller ( her name prior to snagging Bob Whitfield with her gold digging ways) can be found under the criminal docket here, arrested twice in Cleveland, Ohio for theft!

This while her child was 4. Oh yes Sheree has a 23 year old daughter!

Finally according to the comments on this site posted even before the show aired.... looks like Sheree generally was not a nice person (there's a shocker)....... not paying people their money, finding anyway to get money from her ex, etc. Now this is all hearsay, but I do find it telling that these people posted way in April 08 before we even heard of the housewives and before they had any reason to lie.

Looks like DeShawn is the only one without major drama/ issues and I hope she stays that way because her and her hubby Eric Snow are SOOOOOO cute.

Anyhow I can not get enough of the show. Watch next week and then check back here for a comprehensive update :) You know Toye will be talkin about it!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Anderson Cooper Even Knows That NeNe is What's Up!

So I was watching Anderson Cooper and he replayed the below clip from the Ellen show! He like me loves Nene. Me and the Silver Fox are meant to be! Don't any haters claim he may be suspect either.... He is very secure in his masculinity!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Next Commander and Chief

I never thought that in my lifetime I would see a black president in the United States. While America has a long way to go, I now have hope that things will change especially with a new leader at the reins. I do not have much to say tonite. I am just going to revel in the moment and the beauty of our new first family.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tonite's the Night!!


Barack Obama Logo

Really I am serious! Not voting at this point makes me question your judgment. How are you a citizen and paying taxes and you do not vote?! Its one of the few things in my eyes you get to do as a citizen that really has an effect. So go out and vote. Toye even spent 16 bucks to overnight her absentee ballot to the great state of Ohio. Thats how dedicated I am !! (Or rather reflects how much on CPT I was )

This is truly a historic election and I know that we will have unprecedented participation. Why just this morning I was in the Post Office and this woman maybe about early 30's with enough Yaki number 23 in her hair to make a full chinchilla rug was super excited about her first time voting. She said: "girrrrl everyone was at my polling place even the neighborhood crackhead" It almost brought a tear to my eye. If crackheads recognize how important this election is and can collect themselves enough to carry themselves to the polls, if you have not already, have no excuse.

Its no secret that I am an Obama supporter. However even if I were not I can see that he is the reason for this participation in the process. The press can quote me on this..... Just like Michelle O said...."This is the first time in my adult life, I am proud to be an American"

So go to your local pub, your friends house, or sit back in your jail cell. Where ever you are reading this from, watch the returns tonite. I will ....and will be hoping that he wins. For two reasons : 1. We need someone to affect real change. 2. Black people riot when the Pistons lose a game, Imagine what could go down if Obama loses!!! If that happens you will not catch Toye out. I can not be a victim nor mistaken as a looter!

PS Ever the Glutton. Take your I voted Today sticker to Krispy Kreme , Ben and Jerry's and Starbucks for free goodies for voting!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

As If Their Heads Weren't Big Enough

Please do not think of me as an obsessed fan. Trust these women are not celebs. However, they seem to think they are. The Real Housewives of Atlanta were at this years BET Awards to be aired this Thursday for those of you who still watch Black Exploitation Television.
My only issue is that Nene (far left) is dressed like a teenager... in 1980. And poor Lisa Wu Sweat oops I mean Lisa Wu Hartwell thought it was a Halloween party. Thats the only way I can explain her being dressed like Pocahontas. I also glad DeShawn found time to come out....guess that means she finally found an estate manager.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

20 Days til E-Day: The Crazies Are Out and About

So recent polls have Senator Barack Obama ahead of John McCain as much as 14 points on some polls. While this is great I am not convinced that its a shoe in for him. This situation is kind of like when I played high school sports when you knew you were playing the heavily favored to win team. You had to get far ahead right when the game started to ensure victory because the other team was sure to pull some hail mary type ish at the end of the game and your but would lose when you were so sure you would win. Well thats the situation with Barack.

The last 2 weeks we have seen closet racists come out on mass. Remind me not to wear any Obama gear if he wins for awhile because I see already some people will be UPSET. Didn't I tell y'all that GOP convention reminded me of a Klan Rally?! They are at McCain rallies yelling "Kill Obama" , "Obama Bin Lyin" , " He's and Arab", "He's a Terrorist". There is a pic of someone at a rally with a shirt saying Obama in the white house ..... N***a Please. You know the McCain camp is not helping. The have been doing nothing but fear mongering.

Then people want to get mad at Congressman John Lewis for saying that the feeling at recent rallies is like how they were at Gov George Wallace's rallies during his run for president during the civil rights movement and that the campaign is "sowing the seeds of racial division". McCain says he's lost respect for John Lewis for saying such a thing. (click here to catch up on the drama)

McCain needs to keep it real. He may not have said anything outright but he sure has not stopped his side kick pit bull in lipstick Sarahcuda and their followers from being off the chain. John Lewis was beat to a pulp by a mob in Alabama along with hundreds of SNCC volunteers in Alabama and four little girls were bombed in a chrch in Alabama a little over a year later. I am sure that started off with similar crowds of people. I think Kill Obama being shouted at a rally and allowing it seems a little like George Wallace Johnny boy. I think John Lewis a man with steel plates in his head now knows what the undertones of hatred look like. Even Fidel Castro has said:

“Profound racism exists in the United States,” as he weighed in on the US
presidential race ahead of the November 4 election. “Millions of whites cannot
reconcile in their minds with the idea that a black man with his wife and
children would move into the White House, which is called just like that —
White,” he wrote. He added that it was a “pure miracle” the Illinois senator,
who became the first black politician to win the Democratic Party’s presidential
nomination, had not been assassinated thus far.

Come on now even tyrant Fidel sees whats up! I maintain if Barack Obama was Barry O'Brien that he wold be ahead by a landslide. However thats not the case. So I need Barack to tighten up security. Like if he wins he needs those bodyguards T.I. was buying the AK-47's for or the Nation of Islam guards to have his back. He will need it. Also we all need to watch out because I can see the closet racists are not so closet anymore and I can not have him being a victim.

So these next 20 days lets see what happens and if people actually vote for him. Catch the last debate tonite at 9pm .

Bravo!: Real Housewives of Atl Makes Up For It All

So anyone who knows me knows that I was extremely sad when Bravo never came back with the next season of Being Bobby Brown. I mean really right after the Christmas Special!!!! How are you going to tease a girl with Bobby and Whitney drunk during the holidays and never show another episode. I mean really!!

Anyhow Bravo has made it up to me with the Real Housewives of ATL. Its not as good as its predecessors OC and NYC and really all these women should be renamed the Real Hotmesses of ATL but I can not turn it off. If you have not seen it already definitely catch up online. Also check my original post to get a character synopsis.

However I MUST call out one of the housewives on perpetrating a lie! Lisa Wu Hartwell (you know Kimra Lee's twin) who I at first said was my favorite. Fell to the bottom of this list. This woman may be a professional gold digger! On the show she mentions she was in a bad marriage and that she married her second husband in a month and 20 something days after meeting. Did I mention he is in the NFL. Something did not seem right about it all so I did some research. You know your girl Toye is thorough!! Ole girl's first hubby was no other than the King of Whining and Begging himself Keith Sweat. She has two children with him that she never mentioned as she flaunted her new family on tv aged 11 and 13. Keith has full custody of BOTH kids. He also as recently as last year was in litigation with her in US Bankruptcy Court as she filed for Chapter 7 Protection.

So lets get this straight......... in GA one of the most backwards states in the nation a woman has lost full custody of her kids. You KNOW she did something wrong. I mean as a woman yo have to really be usually a crackhead to lose custody of the kids. Secondly she filed for chapter 7. No wonder she had that new baby broad is broke. She needs the kid to get paid permanently. Married or not she can always Kim Porter it and get paid! Finally Keith Sweat will not let his kids on the show in case she acts the fool. She did not mention ANY of this as she makes herself out to be super mom. Also its also interesting she just happened to fall for another rich person. As Kanye said.... I ain't saying she a gold digga but.............well you get the idea.

Anyhow Lisa I found you out! And sadly Kim who is clearly messing with a married man may be higher on the list. At least she is out and about with her gold digging and not pretending. You had it Twisted ! You ain't Nobody. LOL let me stop but you watch and I am sure more to come.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Fall of Juice

"We the jury in the case of Orenthal James Simpson find the Defendant guilty"
So Juice could be going to jail for the rest of his life. I can not say I feel bad for him This may offend those OJ supporters reading, especially those fools who ran behind the white Bronco supporting this fool on his infamous police chase.
However I am sorry OJ is an idiot. His stupidity alone makes him deserve jail time!
Sir you are lucky we live in a nation where having the best attorney money can buy and dealing with the LAPD's constant screw ups can get you out a pickle! You and I both know you killed your ex wife!! If I had gotten off for murder I would keep such a low profile for the rest of my life. Especially with Ron Goldmans family following you everywhere making sure you pay in anyway! (The Goldmans are serious. They do not even call him by his name anymore. They refer to him as the killer!)
However OJ chose to write a book called If I Did It............ Now you know I think I am going to submit to the American Psychological Association a new disorder. The OJ Simpson Syndrome. This syndrome is celebrities who have such a sense of self worth that they think they can do any damn thing they please. OSS often causes clouded judgment and extreme acts of stupidity. A celeb most recently affected with OSS is R Kelly as displayed in that interview with Toure. (This man after being acquitted of statutory rape had the nerve when asked if he liked teenage girls to ask the interviewer to clarify how old they meant. Ummmmm ..... the correct response is no simpleton! )
Then the fool busts into a room to collect his stuff and is armed. Sir!! You knew they were going to lock you up for that one! White people feel like they lost last time with that small incident with the bloody glove and all and then you were acquitted. You know they were going to get you this time! I find it coincidental the verdict came down the same date he was found not guilty for the murder. The jury was making a point and teaching the Juice a lesson.
I hope the Juice does not drop the soap! He should say whats up to Kwame Kilpatrick in the Fed Pen.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Detroit City Politics Should Have its Own Soap Opera

So I was searching Youtube for some more material on the Stacy Adams/ Steve Harvey Suit Collection spokesperson himself Kwame Kilpatrick. However, I cam upon some even more redamndiculous material! John Conyers wife is a member of Detroit City Council. Please watch the following in its entirety. Its the incident at a meeting and then her confrontation with a girl who may be 12.

Sigh..... I will let you all discuss

Ashley Banks is Back! But What About Black Sitcoms and Drama's?

So Tatyana Ali is back with a new show. What channel you ask? Try which site? Buppies her new show will be broadcast via the web. Before you pass judgement watch the clip. I think it may actally be really good or fail. However, we have to get the word out about it.

I mean me and a friend were up the other night watching what I will call a Buppie sitcom marathon. The Cosby Show Family Matters, and Fresh Prince on Nick at Nite. Why can't I get a black sitcom or drama anymore and on network tv at that (I mean CBS, NBC, ABC) You can't even count on the CW anymore! A station that is a merge of the WB and UPN has moved all their shows to Fridays. Who is home on Fridays?! ... I mean me .....but not most people! Both network built themselves up on black comedies and now after canceling all of them but The Game and Everybody Hates Chris has moved the shows to Fridays. So when they cancel The Game because the only one home to watch was Toye what will I do?!

I mean I do not consider Flava Flav's shuckin and jivin quality. Nor can we count on BET's Hell Date or the Boot as quality programing.

So I guess I will watch The Game at 8:30 est on Fridays and I advise you guys to as well because its honestly good writing. (If they would just replace Pooch Halls non-acting self.) And I will watch Buppies online. Reality tv will just have to feed me until black tv comes back.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Just When I Thought BET Had Destroyed the Black Community Enough, Here Comes The Corn Refiners Association!

So the other day, I was at the gym I was watching the new episode of Project Runway while I tried to get my Beyonce Knowles workout on. On commercial break an ad came on that highly disturbed and perturbed me. It was exalting the alleged benefits of high fructose corn syrup!! Please take a second to watch.

Now I found this video problematic from start to finish! Lets dissect, shall we.........

1. Why Did the Lady Pouring herself Drink* have to be a sister!?

* Drink for those of you who may not know is a term used to describe any sort of tasty liquid that is not made from 100 percent juice but some combination of concentrate, sugar/ corn syrup and water. Its often described on the bottle as "Juice Drink". Common examples include Sunny Delight, Tampico, Veryfine and my personal favorite Hugs. It is often the cheapest beverage in the store and I find it protects my stomach well from the spicy tail end of a delicious hot wing.

I just think that this commercial has reinforced the stereotype of black people making unhealthy food choices. Yeah diabetes and hypertension are prominent in our community but perhaps it wold have helped serve as an example if she had made better food choices. At least she said it was ok in moderation.... we will follow up on this comment later.

2. Captain Save a Black Person aka Becky:

Notice how Becky the local nosy neighbor swooped down on the sister. Why is it that white people feel that they have the liberty to step in where they are not invited and instruct you whats wrong!? The makers of this commercial knew what was up with a Sista and how she would react and instead of suffering a fine for offense language toned the commercial down. However allow me to translate the conversation and provide an alternate ending.

Becky: "Wow you don't care what the kids eat" Translation: I know you did not ask me to come over here however because I feel that I have a certain entitlement I am going to come over here and be nosy and tell you how to raise your child while my own child is running around in the background like she has no hometraining

Sista: Excuse Me? Translation: Oh no this heifer did not just come over here

Becky: " That has high fructose corn syrup in it" Translation: Let me educate this black woman because I know so much more than everyone!

Sista: "And?" Translation: You need to mind your business hopefully by my tone you will get some sense and go away

Becky: "You know they say about it?" Translation: Whether you know so or not I am going to tell you about it anyhow

Sista: "Like What" Translation : I hope you see me looking at you as if you have lost your mind coming over here interrupting my summer drink

Becky: Now in the real world this is when Sista would have told Becky mind your damn own business and do not come up to her as a random telling her how to raise her kids without any facts. Followed up with a few more choice words that could not be shown on tv.

I need all the Becky's out there to fall back. Even for the percentage of you who men well, you are setting yourself up for the curse out.

3. The Deceptive High Fructose Corn Syrup Propaganda

This is yet another example of how you want to always do your homework. I am going to school you a bit on high fructose corn syrup. First, corn farmers one of the most powerful lobbying groups on Capital Hill produced this commercial to encourage you and I to buy more corn and give them more money. Why would they not do anything in their power to get people to get off their health kick and buy more corn. These people are like your neighborhood pusher. By any means necessary!

I went onto the site the commercial directs you to and pulled out a few contentions the organization makes and took liberty to respond:

  • Research confirms that high fructose corn syrup is safe and no different from other common sweeteners like table sugar and honey. All three sweeteners are nutritionally the same. [except the fact the HFCS is super refined! They take corn make it into cornstarch THEN make it into fructose. Its like intravenous drugs..... the cheap kind Whitney will not smoke... impurities and all! What seems better natural raw cane sugar/ honey or this nonsense]
  • High fructose corn syrup has the same number of calories as table sugar and is equal in sweetness. It contains no artificial or synthetic ingredients.
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted high fructose corn syrup "Generally Recognized as Safe" status for use in food, and reaffirmed that ruling in 1996 after thorough review. [ummmm the FDA once told pregnant women it was ok to smoke. Clearly their word is not bond!]

Not to mention that this commercial says HFCS is ok in moderation. However People must know that HFCS is in everything. Check your bread label next time you think you are making a super natural sandwich. Is in there. Here is the Mayo Clinics word on HFCS:

High-fructose corn syrup is a sweetener and preservative used in many
processed foods. It is made by changing the sugar in cornstarch to fructose —
another form of sugar.

Some nutrition experts blame increased consumption
of high-fructose corn syrup for the growing obesity problem. One theory is that
fructose is more readily converted to fat by your liver than is sucrose,
increasing the levels of fat in your bloodstream.

In addition, animal studies have shown a link between increased consumption
of high-fructose corn syrup and adverse health effects, such as diabetes and
high cholesterol.

These types of foods are often high in calories and low in nutritional value.
This fact alone is reason to be cautious about foods containing high-fructose
corn syrup.

To reduce high-fructose corn syrup in your diet, read food labels. Avoid or
limit foods that contain high-fructose corn syrup. Some other easy tips for
cutting back on high-fructose corn syrup

Anyhow say Toye is not a health advocate. As I sip my McDonalds Sweet Tea, I urge you to contact these fools and express disdain for this commercial at:

Corn Refiners Association
Web: Phone: 202.331.1634Fax: 202.331.2054US Mail: 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 950 Washington, DC 20006-5805

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In Honor of NY Fashion Week: Some Trends I Find to be a Hot Mess

Some of you may know that this week is New York Fashion Week. Whether you are a guy or girl, this is something that affects you. We all have a little part of us that wants to look as fresh as possible. New York Fashion week kind of sets the tone for what will be hot in the upcoming season. So for my male readers in particular who claim they do not care about things like that.... hate to break it to you but you do .... indirectly.

For instance you did not magically choose to put that itchy wool button up cardigan on your way to the hot club. Nope you have fashion week to thank for that. See, Jean Paul Gauthier or Marc Jacobs had some skinny guy walking down the runway in a cardigan, Jigga in the audience saw it and wore a cardigan to his next photo shoot, and you saw him in Vibe and magically were "inspired" to put that Mister Rogeresque thick cardigan on as you went to a club, a place that's already hot as hell and subject yourself to heat stroke. Anyhow if you can check the style magazines in the following months (In Style for girls or GQ for guys) if you want to see what will be hot this Spring.

However, sometimes NY Fashion week brings trends that are so inconceivable and a hot mess in general. Two trends that I really would like to say a big sarcastic thank you to designers from the Fall 2008 week that we all will be subjected to:

1. Robin Hood Men in Tights: Grown Men with Skinny Jeans!!

Ok perhaps they are not tights. But they are TIGHT. No man should be wearing the same skinny jeans as their girlfriend. American Apparel a clothing outlet even has the nerve to have unisex versions. I should not be wearing the same jeans as my boo!! Now I appreciate a well tailored man and do not support pants falling off you behind to the point I can see your boxers but I need you not to step out gentleman looking like you shrank your clothes in the laundry.

2. Your Toes Must be Hot and the Rest of Your Foot is Cold: Peep-toe boots

These are inappropriate. Ladies please know that there are some classic things that stay around forever. However, these boots, like sleeveless turtlenecks are completely impractical and have no staying power. Whats the point of boots and my toes are cold? I personally am not trying to catch pneumonia through my feet. As someone interested in the public health I chose not to participate and urge you not to as well ladies!!

Anyhow to see what will be hot for this coming spring check out fashion week coverage here.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Roland Martin Says Elisabeth Hasslebeck Drinks Nothing But Haterade

So Elisabeth Hasselbeck the View's resident conservative has gotten out of pocket...... nothing new. Now I guess I should be up front with it. I can not stand her! Not because she is right wing because honestly I am bit conservative on some issues. Its because I think she is a close-minded simpleton.

So Elisabeth went to the Grand Ole Perpetrators Convention and at a public luncheon stated that Michelle Obama has something to hide. Watch the video yourself right here folks.

Roland Martin said she "Drinks nothing but haterade" I love Roland with his elf looking self. I have been saying this for years!!

No but really GOP Barbie I need you to simmer down. I think what pisses me off about her is she reminds me of a few girls I went to high school with. They grew up privileged, sheltered and without struggle ( I mean her biggest struggle in life may have been her stint on Survivor!!) Yet they have the nerve to be so judgmental and adamant about their views, when they have no idea how life would be for them if they had grown up differently. They are conservative because they have the privilege to do so.

For instant Brisket Palin. She has a family and a shotgun wedding fiance to help her care for her child. Its a regular ole Little House on the Prairie up in her house. However, conservatives think abstinence should be the only form of Sex Ed. Now look how well that worked for Brisket.

What about Kiesha in Southeast D.C. or Becky Sue in low Appalachia? Who have no money or even maybe family to help them care for an impending unplanned pregnancy? Something more than just do not do it may have been more helpful. Now who will help them when the baby is here? Some understanding wold probably help instead of conservative scorn from the likes of Elisabeth.

Anyhow her comment was unprofessional but just showing more of her hater tendencies However, I think the media does not realize Michelle is not studying her. So GOP Barbie can smile in her face on the show and talk trash behind Chells back because she and B have an election to win. So I give Elisabeth a "Hi Hater!!"

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sarah Palin is Messing with Oprah's Money!!

Aww hell to the No ! Sarah Palin aka Karen from Will and Grace.


(Hope we do not find out she was pill popping like Karen!!)
Anyhow, so some heifers are upset that Lady O will not let Palin on her show. First of all Oprah has been down for B since he was running for Senate. What do they expect!? This woman's show is the OPRAH WINFREY show hosted and produced by Oprah Wnifrey. She does not have to do a thing! These women are confused!
The Florida Federation of Republican Women made the decision to boycott the
Oprah Winfrey Show Saturday, after the media mogul refused to have Gov. Sarah
Palin as a guest on her show until after the election wraps up.
"Women in
Florida helped build Oprah into the icon she is today," Linda Ivell, President
of the FFRW said in a statement. "We are deeply disappointed in Ms. Winfrey's
decision to sit out the greatest political moment in the history of women since
The talk show host denied accusations Friday, that she was even
considering the vice presidential nominee as a guest.
"At the beginning of
this presidential campaign when I decided that I was going to take my first
public stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show
as a plat for any of the candidates," Winfrey wrote in a statement, responding
to a story from The Drudge report claiming her staff was "sharply divided" on
whether they should book the Alaska Governor.
Winfrey agreed Palin would be a
"fantastic interview," but wouldn't invite her on until after the November
The Florida Federation of Republican Women, the "largest political
organization in Florida," celebrating the groups 58 year anniversary is also
encouraging members to cancel subscriptions to O Magazine, Ivell said.
find it to be an abuse of her power -gained on the backs of our patronage of her
advertising empire - to use her program to so blatantly support Obama in the
face of this historic moment. So, we are tuning out and canceling our
subscriptions to O Magazine and encourage other women to do the same," Ms Ivell
Winfrey came under fire from some of her supporters in December after
campaigning with the Democratic nominee in South Carolina.
Ivell did not say
the Florida Republicans would be tuning out indefinitely, but at least until
'after the election.' Adding, she and her members respect the decision to
support Obama, "as every American is entitled to their personal opinion and
Damn these people are about to get Oprah like those cattle farmers. Can she live!? This woman said Oprah is abusing her power. If I was Oprah, I would say " Yeah and.!? This here is my show, when you get the Florida Republicans show you can do the same thing!" I have to give Lady O her props. Usually she does not really take a stand on things outright. I am glad she is sticking to her guns and Riding for B!
Note: As the election approaches some may want me to be more friendly to the conservatives as these people want Oprah to be to Palin. Check the blog title. Its TOYE TALKS. I'm talking! My thoughts . This is written by Toye! Comments are welcome always though!

DNC RNC Kwame . Its Been a Busy Few Weeks

Hey Guys!!

I know its been a while since my last post!! Hope you will keep reading this blog. I was glued to politics on tv. Blame that on my neglect of my beloved blog. Toye is back though. Fired up and Ready TO GO!!!

Now on to the matter at hand. Here are a few topics that I must speak on:

1. Post Olympics Glory!

So the Olympics are over. I am sad I have no sporting events to get up for at random hours at night to watch on tv. (Although Fox Sports Net Has just been "hooked up" by the cable guy on the side. So premeir league here I come!) I miss watching the fine sprinters. I am sad my Nigerian SuperEagles lost to Argentina and only got the silver medal in soccer. (Even though Argentina probably was at their worst because of the 100 degree temp, the Supereagles did not score!! Which in my eyes is unacceptable since playing in hella hot temps is a normal day for the Nigerians!! Ugh back to the topic at hand!!)

In reflection I have an issue. Usain Bolt. This man is the fastest man on earth! So why was the media hating on him for not being humble enough. I need them to go sit their selves down somewhere. If I could get my self off the couch in close to 9 seconds I would be celebrating like he was. I say let him dance! Not everyone is bland Michael Phelps and Y'all saw Cool Runnings !!! Jamaicans will celebrate more than a black family at Ray Rays gradation or Pumpkins release!! Lets not pretend. So I say gwon Usain !!

2. Democratic National Convention/ GOP (Grand Ole Perpetrators) Convention

So each time the Olympics ends I am inspired to start running again or take up water polo or some Olympian feat. However, I change channels and the convention started so I stayed on my couch. So I clearly have not run anywhere. Next week though.....really I promise!

The DNC was fab. My Barack a Boo inspired as always and Michelle was on point as always. Its nice to see a power family. Also I am glad they started taming the girls hair! Joe Bidden gives Obama the balance he needs to get undecided voters! Also Hillary really threw support his way. I hope her supporters vote for him. I had no complaints except this crazy heifer here who they interviewed right after Hillary's speech.

This heifer got all emotional. Clearly a plant by the likes of the GOP with her butterfly barrettes and Yaki #2!!! Saying she won't vote for McCain but may not vote for Obama? Boo either way you will have voted for McCain. Crazy!!

The RNC was the other end of the spectrum.....

networks showed this:

I saw this :

I mean ok maybe that was going to far but really besides Cowboy Troy, how many other African Americans did you see? Few!!! Also they are a bunch of elitists. Judgmental and Hypercritical. I actually have conservative views, however, I do not think they should all be intertwined with how this country is run or how others live. Nor do I constantly contradict myself Hence, why I am not your traditional conservative who says they are pro-life but a death penalty advocate or who advocates abstinence as the only sex ed. 9Sarah Palins daughter Brisket is a shinning example of where that leads you!!

And that Sarah Palin. Some say her speech was inspiring. I say it showed me I need to make sure my passport and their traveling papers are in order. Cause if her and Old Wrinkly Dude win I am taking expatriate status.

3. This Fool Again

Finally!! Kwame is going to jail! Maybe someone read the Kwamefesto

Kwame will be going to jail and will have to pay the city of Detroit 1 million dollars in restitution. Perhaps he can sell his Stacy Adams Suit Collection to pay some of that. He has also been disbarred.

All I have to say is good riddance and Kwame don't drop the soap!
Have a good Sunday Folks!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Reality T.V. You can not make this Ish Up!!

Having grown tired of Summer reruns and now Caught up in the Olympics (For anyone interested My Nigerian Supereagles will be playing for the gold medal on Friday at Midnight!!! :) ) I have been behind on whats on TV now. However, in preparation for tonites premiere of Hazing I mean Making the Band 4 (Tonite 9pm!!) I decided I would catch I want to Work for Diddy.

Now before I go into that nonsense, let me make 2 comments. First why would you EVER want to work for this man. I believe Diddy may be one of Lucifer's Soldiers himself!! How many people who used to work with Diddy are successful right now? Where's 112, Total, Carl Thomas or the LOX? All in pending litigation with Puffy! Shoot B.I.G. is in a suit against him from the grave! So while I may be a simple girl and not really business oriented, I know someone like that is not someone I want to work for! Secondly, when is the last time VH-1 played a video!! Its like every time I see anything on there its reality TV or Flavor Flav which I put in the category of Harsh Reality TV.

Anyhow I have gotten off track. So I finally watched his bootleg version of The Apprentice. One of the contestants is transgendered Laverne, I am mad no one turned me onto this before!! First off Laverne is like a transgendered Toni Childs from Girlfriends. See:

The same weave, botox, and DRAMA QUEEN TENDENCIES. But He-She is the Queen Bee!!

I mean after his-her team lost he-she was thrown into such a dramatic hissy fit. Goodness all kind of tears, eye rolling and rolling his-her neck swinging that Yaki straight color #2! Pure entertainment!!

However, clearly the man who had not heard about Diddy's aversion to Bitchassness was Deon, this fool was a marketing executive specializing in Billboards and gasp on his teams assignment... a Sean John Billboard, he not only did not disclose this but was arguing with the judges using profanity when they told him the ish was trash! He never even told his teammates he had a background in advertising. That's like making you a number one target to go home! You have cursed in a board room or in this case what looked like perhaps the storage room at the Sean John flagship store. So yeah he definitely was fired. The most hilarious thing about this show is he has two burly bouncers escorting the contestants out the building. I say bouncers cause they are looking like they were at the club the other night and not real legitimate security officers.

Anyhow I can not wait til tonites foolishness of Making the Band Begins. Laurie Ann the choreographer who clearly cursed Diddy out and allegedly threw a chair at him last season will be back. I can not wait to see this unfold!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

More of this Idiot...........

Adding on to the Kwamefesto ( a must read) Here is a pic of this fools ankle bracelet that he as the Mayor of US city must now wear!

I really want readers to discuss in the comments section their honest thoughts on the whole situation. To make it interesting, best comment submitted by next Saturday at 12:01 am EST gets a "Free Kwame" T-shirt. I will not be using mine.

Thanks to my friend over at Radiant Girl for the tip on this tomfoolery

R.I.P Bernie Mac

My Thoughts and prayers are with the family of Bernie Mac

One of my favorite stand-ups with him on the Kings of Comedy Tour

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Hey Guys:

I have not forgotten about you all!! I am on a mini vacay but will be back asap with more commentary on some things that have been on my mind. Number one being Kwame Kilpatricks random Stacy Adams , earring wearing, bootleg Mayorness.

UPDATE: I am back and ready for more talking!!


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Don't Drop the Soap Mr. Mayor!! - An Open Letter to Kwame Kilpatrick

Hey Guys!!! I am back!. We are changing up the format today due to the fact that I am writing an open letter to the most Honorable Kwame Kilpatrick, the Mayor of the City of Detroit. Please send me any additions you would like to see in this letter. However, I hope to have covered every necessary point at the end of what I shall call... The Kwamefesto.

To Kwame Kilpatrick, The Mayor of the City of Detroit, Michigan
From: Toye, born and raised in another Midwestern city where gators and Cadillacs also reign supreme.
Date: August 7, 2008

Dear Mr. Kilpatrick:

First off, I would like to say I was saddened to hear about your sentencing today............ but I can't. Sir, you deserve so much more than that for your many transgressions. The citizens of the City of Detroit deserve at least that much.

In case you have forgotten I have taken the time to make a list of your top five misdeeds and have taken the time to suggest the appropriate remedy/punishment. No need to thank me, this advice is on the house, save those dollars for your next Mayoral Mansion event or better yet for your commissary when you are found guilty of perjury.

5. You are the Mayor of a major city and wear an earring.

Maybe I am just old fashioned but sir an earring is probably not helping your image. It associates you with the wrong type. Rappers and Rockers have earrings usually not mayors. However Rappers and Rockers have groupies and apparently so do you.
Perhaps the earring attracts groupies and women.

Remedy/Punishment: Sir!!! Take off the earring and perhaps you'll stop attracting mistresses!! I mean forever!! Then your wife will not have to beat any other female citizen of Detroit with a bat Public Safety First.

4. Your Celebrity Endorsement Deal with Stacy Adams Suit Collection

Pictured the Mayor and his wife....not one of his mistresses

Before we get to your other nonsense, sir why do you insist on wearing suits that always look like you are going to the club afterwards. As a fellow mid-western, I understand the love for suits in bold colors, and jackets coming to the ankles. However, as the mayor this is a faux pas.

Remedy/Punishment: Revocation of your Stacy Adams Catalog lifetime member card! Plus an additional year in prison for thinking this attire is appropriate!

3. Throwing "Ho"downs at the Mayoral Mansion

No Picture needed!! You know what strippers look like or can imagine it. Did you really have to invite them to your house for a party and then Sir one of them is shot to death in the midst of scandal surrounding this incident. For pure stupidity and simpleness you should receive life in in prison.

2. Text messaging your new boo on your work phone and she works for you. ... never a good idea

Mr. Kilpatrick if you valued your job at all you would have learned from Slick Willy. That whole Monica thing did not go over well nor did lying about it. Should you be suprised that you are now on trial for perjury and that you are being asked to step down? Like Mike said "Just do it" STEP DOWN. History will repeat itself . However, Kwame unlike Willy you were not praised for your efforts in office. People dislike you! Like the whole city of Detroit and the Suburbs! Also you are a bit tanner than Willy so you are going down!!

Remedy: Remedy the whole situation and resign!! Just stop it! You look foolish!

1. You generally suck at your Job!!

Just today the Obama campaign even asked you as a Superdelegate to stay home. They do not want your vote. Sir I hate to say this but you may just be worse than Marion Barry and he was caught doing the rock. However, to this day that man is still a DC Counsel member in his district. People still respect him. He does things for citizens. He's not buying Navy's on the city budget or plunging them into a record deficit. Basically you suck and the fact you are rerunning for office shows you are a simpleton. You are also destroying the city of Detroit, home of GM, Motown and a basketball team with players as ignorant as you (ie Rasheed Wallace)

I beg you do us all a favor and just disappear.



Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Barack Needs To Send A Memo to All Celebs: Do Not Try To Help Me!

Barack needs to just issue a blanket memo because the likes of Ludacris and Paris Hilton are about to get him messed up in the game. Earlier this week you may recall that I posted McCain's Hateration ad featuring Paris and Britney Spears. If you have not seen this ish still running on tv click here.

However, Paris Hilton has decided to reply. She most definitely needs to sit herself down somewhere. I mean all my boo needs (no disrespect Michelle) is this hussy making Youtube video's!!! Watch Below

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

I need her to stick to the other types of "video's" she is good at and not let Billy Bob and Becky Sue in Oklahoma who already think he is rolling with Osama or Wright to now think he is getting endorsements from this no talent hefer.

Who's T.I.'s Lawyer?!?!?

Whatever legal counsel T.I. has must get mad business now. Their client was receiving weapons that could possibly supply an Al Queada operation yet is on radio, t.v. shows daily; has a new album coming out; and is making video's. I thought he was sentenced! Here, I find out he does not have to even enter jail for another year and he is using this time to do "community service". Last time I checked seeing him and Tiny at the Hawks Game posing with his Cheaper by the Dozen clan of children is not Punishment!! Him and R Kelly may just have the same attorney. Whoever this mystery attorney is may have the game on lock better than Johnnie Cochran did with O.J. and Diddy.
Anyhow Toyetalks thanks the Georgia judicial system for sponsoring this moment of hateration. However, admittedly I will probably be getting his album anyhow.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Morgan Freeman and Older Men in General

I was saddened to hear about one of my favorite actors, Morgan Freeman, being severely injured in a car accident today.

My friends know I love him!! Like if I was 72 and still had both functioning hips, I would..... well I will stop there.

However, my love for Morgan got me thinking. Notice I stopped myself. However, some do not. Why is it that so many woman get involved with older men? I am not talking 2-5 years here. I am talking significant age gaps of 15-20 years plus. At 25 I can not see myself honestly dating someone 45 years old. That's a few years younger than my mother and father. I mean when I am 45 he would be 65. I can not use my prime years changing his diapers and cutting up his food!

So how do Beyonce (C'mon now admit it Jigga may not be Mr. Convalescent 2008 but he is definitely older than B), Catherine Zeta-Jones, or dare say it Anna Nicole-Smith (The queen bee of Depends loving herself!!) do it!?!?!?!

I have to believe money can not just be it. What do you guys think? Lets discuss. Also take the poll regarding this.

Meanwhile Morgan you are in my prayers!

Go for the Gold!!

Good Morning !!
So as we all know the Olympics begin this week. When I was younger, I remember every four years being super excited for the athleticism, the camaraderie, and the event pageantry.
I am now 25 years old...... I know better.
First of all I commend the athletes. Some of them since birth have been groomed to win gold. However, doesn't it seem like the okey doke that after years of training that all I end up with is a medal. I need the International Olympic Committee to start giving cash. Bump love of my country. That's what 4th of July is for!!! Every year I show my patriotism by eating a tasty beef rib!! Although this could be why I am not an Olympian.... my love for the tasty.
Secondly, I find it a bit unnerving that the we allegedly put aside our differences for the period of the Games. I need people to recognize that's a lie. Those other countries still hate us. Some readers may disagree with me. But can you really blame them?
Thirdly, I know that Marv Albert will piss me off. How is it that yo are caught wearing women's underwear but you still have a successful career!! Everytime I hear his voice I am just angry because I know had Ahmad Rashad been caught on that ish we would have never heard from him again! Wait.....wait a minute...... we have not really heard from him again............
Anyhow for those who are interested, join me despite my ranting and raving in watching the Olympics starting Friday with the opening ceremonies.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lets not lose our heads!

Aww heck no. Just when I think I have heard it all......

I recognize that people are crazy. I am sensitive to those with mental illness. However, I MUST draw the line somewhere! Two incidents in the last week have me rattled and also give me yet another reason not to ride Greyhound!

First, a man on Greyhound bus (which I had sworn never ever to ride again prior to this due to their consistent unprofessionalism and my chance meetings with nuts) began stabbing his seat mate:

"Passengers said they had just reboarded the bus after a break when the suspect
-- for no apparent reason -- stabbed the man sitting next to him dozens of times
as passengers fled in horror. He then severed the man's head, displayed it and
began hacking at the body."

I am not even trying to be insensitive but that's all redamndiculous. This is Crazier than crazy!! I pray for the victims family. I also pray for the crazy beheader!

Then we have this other fool:

"A 31-year-old man killed his girlfriend on the Greek island of Santorini
on Sunday, beheaded her, then fled in a patrol car, a local official
During the ensuing chase, the suspect was shot five times by police and
ran over two women doctors who were riding a motorcycle before he was caught,
the official said."

I clearly am not going to Greece.... ever..... what kind of Tomfoolery do they have over there! Currently crossing that country off my European tour list in two thousand never never.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Crack Kills

I promised I would keep the level of ignorant material on my blog to a minimum...... but I could not resist

They have Obama kicking it at the Club with Paris Hilton now

Sigh...... So in political news. Everyone's favorite POW (no disrespect but as many times as he has repeated his POW status its common knowledge by now) has a new ad out against Obama where he compares Obama to a pop star. In the ad he shows crowds cheering him and clips of Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.

Now do not get me wrong. I do believe peoples love for Obama is starting to become a false idols golden calf situation but I think McCain could have done better. You judge for yourself. Watch and discuss. Sounds like hating to me.

The Real Housewives of Atlanta

Who caught the preview for the new installment of Bravo's "Real Housewives Series"; "The Real Housewives of Atlanta". My fall TV schedule is quickly filling up!! If you did not catch it you are missing out! Finally looking at ladies who are of color and it seems like there is going to be some drama! One of my favorite Cavs players, Eric's Snow's wife is featured. I am not mad at her. This heifer has no job and is still hiring an estate manager! Then another one of the women, Nene, is clearly her husbands Anna Nicole Smith cause that man is about 2 times her age. She reminds me of Tasha Smith from Why Did I Get Married (she played Angela the one who was always drunk). Then the only white woman on there, I believe may be a prostitute. She has no job yet she is able to spend impulsively due to her anonymous "boyfriend" who she calls Big Poppa...... something just does not seem legit. Then Lisa Wu Hartwell is an NFL player Wife and I can already see she wants to be Kimora Lee Simmons (she's the one on the far left who looks like gasp...Kimora Lee Simmons). Finally the last woman featured is divorcing her husband and is in a self described "Nasty Divorce". She is the most materialistic and self centered of all...... and should provide me with hours of amusement. If you missed out, I have provided the link for your viewing pleasure!!