I think for the most part I give everyone the benefit of the doubt..... however I can not stand Uncle Ruckus in live form, Alan Keyes. This man has serious serious issues. I remember in undergrad he came to speak at my school and said that he had no problem with racial profiling because its like if someone wearing a polka dot shirt robbed a store and he walked in that store wearing a polka dot shirt that he knows that the police would just be doing their civic duty in stopping him. Wake up Ruckus! You can take off the shirt you can not take off your brown skin!!
Anyhow, he is now suing Barack Obama, our President Elect and the man he lost his race for US Senator from Illinois ( even though this man is from MD but he is fine being a tool off the GOP wherever they need him) and lost this years Presidency to (Oh yes bet you did not know that he also ran as a Independent this year. Toye gives you all the news you can use) In November, Keyes filed a lawsuit against Obama, the California secretary of state, and others, to stop California from giving its electoral votes to Obama until a birth certificate is produced proving that he is indeed a natural born citizen.
This man brings hater to the next level!!! Sir you are like that guy on the playground always talking about "ohhhh I know you saw him kick dirt on your puma's, you gonna let him steep on your pumas!" Like why are you relevant at all right now? Stirring up all kind of trouble. Essence interviewed him here : http://www.essence.com/news_entertainment/news/articles/alankeyesobama?xid=112408-Enews-Tuesday-MoreOnLead
However the interviewer is nicer than me, I would have held up a mirror for him to use and asked him one sole question, .... "Do your realize you are black?" Someone has to let him know what he clearly is unaware of, that like Uncle Ruckus he too is black and there is no such thing as reverse Vitaligo! I consider it my civic duty.
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