Friday, June 18, 2010


Soooo they said if you can't say something nice. Say nothing at all. So I can't really discuss the outcome of the 2010 NBA Finals it turns into a dissertation full of range. But I will say Ron Artest has come a long way from choking a fan out at the Palace in Detroit..........or has he. Many Thanks to his "hood" and his "psychiatrist". SMDH

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Federation Internationale de Football Association World Cup

For those who are not football (translation soccer) fans. This is putting you on notice that the FIFA World Cup has started. Toye's family is Nigerian so besides being a Supereagle fan I basically came out my mother's womb a Soccer fan. My Dad wouldn't have had it any other way. I played as a child, my brothers both played, my sister plays. Sadly my Dad's secret (not so secret) desire that one of us would play in a World Cup was never realized. (I while I had the speed needed to be a striker had issues actually striking! eh we all can't be Pele) Anyhow I encourage you all to watch. Many of you probably won't, but think about it this way. FOOTBALL is Big in EVERY OTHER country on Earth except the US. Don't you owe to yourself to see what you are missing? Per usual I will be watching late night replays of games that I miss while at work because I would never take an extra long lunch to catch a midday game (..................................) And for the ladies who read this blog if it helps. Soccer is probably the most physically demanding sport you can think of. You run for 90 minutes. Soccer players therefore are BUILT. I mean bodies are most definitely on point. Everyone swoons for Becks but Google Ronaldo, Oguchi Onyewu, Thierry Henry, Christiano Ronaldo, Didier Drogba. Yummy!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

So sometime ago I put you all onto my theory about OJ Simpson Syndrome. (Take a look at the post for a full explaination. ) So basically in my clinical opinion I said "This syndrome is celebrities who have such a sense of self worth that they think they can do any damn thing they please. OSS often causes clouded judgment and extreme acts of stupidity." Well this man:

Joran Van Der Sloot definitely is a victim of the syndrome.

Was it not enough that this man did the unbelievable. a white man killed and made a white woman disappear and got off not once but twice and was able to go home and live his life. I guess its not that unbelievable. It would have been unbeleivable if he was African descent and named Leroy.

Well here he goes again and these Peruvians are not playing games. A young woman was found beaten in his hotel room and when the police finally caught him in a cab WITH blood clothes they were not letting him go, The family of this young woman seems convinced he did it as they should. And he is not going to get off it seems if the family has anything to do with it. The girls daddy was on tv and looked real serious when he said the family "will have justice" By serious I mean mafioso. Apparently their family is very wealthy and powerful in Peru. So the Peruvian police have been "interrogating" him (ie beating him down).

I should probably share that my family members are also foreigners. So we can appreciate sometimes in cases like this when things like due process and prisoners rights do not exist. I personally hope they let the family in their late one night. All four of this girls brothers to just go at it with him. Yea some may say Toye thats insensitive, that ain't right,....whatever.

This young man has been killing people all willy nilly! He needs to be stopped and I am sad this young woman had to suffer at his hands (yea I didn't say alleged anywhere in this post. Like OJ "(If) I Did It" Simpson, this kid is guilty!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Random Rant From Toye

I have been Ghost yes I admit it I started a new job and have been easing in. I still love you blog.

So its Friday Night and I am boo'd up with some of my best friends: TVOne, my computer, and a cherry coke zero pondering some deep thoughts that I thought I would share:

1. Why Do Networks Who Rerun A Different World Even Bother Playing Season 1

Denise wasted her parents money and our time even trying to make a go at it that first semester at Hilman. Heifer should have just gone ahead and named herself Lilakoi Moon and ran off to South Africa or had Lenny Kravitz's child (who walks around looking as bohemian chic aka homeless as her mama). That season sucked! Thank goodness that Debbie Allen was able to save the show and make it a permanent part of my weeknights from 10-11p.

2. I Think I need To Start A Campaign for More Days Off

Now as a federal empployee I am glad that I will be getting more days off like Veteran's Day. (I thank all Veteran's but for your efforts I wowuld not now get two days off in November!) However, since this country refuses to acknowledge the need for a siesta (A TWO Hour period in many countries overseas where everything just shuts down so people can go home and have a meal or otherwise what they do at a certain HBCU that shall remain unnamed whenever I needed my transcripts) I have a plan for more off days. See I figure Jesus was a Jew, so by default us Christians should also get Rosh Hoshannah, Yom Kippor and Passover off too!! Thats three whole days!! Isn't their some kind of implicit holiday acceptance? Imagine if I ceould take Hannakah week off! A whole week! Then Christmas and then tack on Kwanzaa (I mean they say Jesus's hair was like lambs wool) Thats 3 weeks for holiday. Think about it. Begin writing letters to Obama.

3. BP is somehow shocked that Their Capping the Hole did not Work.

One year- I wasn't older than 7- I was at a friend of my parents house. It was the eighties so while the parents chatted downstairs, probably a little older than I am now, we kids unsupervised roamed around upstairs. Again it being the eighties, they had a waterbed. Well between our game of tag and guessed it we caused a tear in the bed. (Who sleeps on a waterbed for real!) So us being oh so smart thought we could duct tape the hole and stop the leak. Well flash forward 1 hour to six children aged 6-11 fresh off a spankings (this was the eighties were this the present I would have just said receiving disciplanary action) from their respective parents staring at the two new leaks that broke through the bed as the preasure from the duct tape was too much. So when I heard BP was creating a cap for the freaking one month old leak in the ocean I shook my damn head and knew that was not going to work. Someone please Whoop oops Disciplane BP. That hole is capped and still leaking out the sides. DUH.

Lol hopefully you are not reading this until Saturday Morning after enjoying your Friday night out while I start this second episode of A Different World.