Alright..... I know what you are thinking....... after not posting for a decade. No this heifer did not have the nerve to post. One of my friends said I just need to kill Toyetalks cause she can't follow it with my random and inconsistent posting. Lol and eye roll. As usual I shake the haters off and continue.
However, its a new year and I am in a better place right now and recommitted to a lot of things. One of these is using Toyetalks to keep my friends and extended circle abreast on whats going on with me, my life, and as always with a humorous twist. :)
Look for a revamped approach though. A little more personal and look forward to watching me get through what I pray will be a blessed, happy, and prosperous 2010.
With that I share some of my New Years.... well I won't say resolutions because everyone makes this list of stuff that they know they will stick to for 2 weeks and fall off...... so I can't be saying I resolve to do something like lose 30 pounds when you guys will maybe definitely see me out eating Popeyes maybe today [I mean really you guys know those people know how to fry some chicken!]
Some of My New Years Un-Resolutions- Things I will not do this New Year
1. I will absolutely not get a Snuggie
Didn't expect that huh? I noticed in 2010 that these Snuggie people have amplified their efforts to ad to my useless junk chest. Sir since the sweet baby Jesus was in his manger a regular ole knit or wool blanket has had no issues. So I am gonna keep the blankie rolling. If its good enough for Jesus, its good enough for me.
2. I will not give the side eye to crackheads
Not only do I recognize now that an addiction to rock cocaine is a real disease and struggle that affects many and their families, I learned recently that making eye contact with crackheads of any kind causes them to engage you in conversation, and I don't need any of that in my 2010.
3. Not judging a person by their catsuit
Usually I find catsuits morally wrong. But last night at the new years gathering I was at, I met a nice girl who let me sit in her VIP section cause my feet were swollen and killing me! We had a nice discussion about politics as well. Usually the fact that she wore a catsuit would have had me make a snap judgment. It was a lesson learned. I will give catsuit wearers a chance.
4. Not neglect Toyetalks
I can't promise everyday cause I live in the real world. However, I am promising to be more frequent!
5. I will not forget how blessed I am
Often I have a day where the following occurs. I wake up late, miss my buss, catch the next bus, sit next to someone who clearly englected to wash themselves, get to work, encounter some extra douche, realize I forgot my lunch on the bus and the non washer is probably enjoying my homemade chilli and rubbermaid container, have to stay late, get home to find some appliance broken. With all of that, its often that I just want to cap the day with cake.... like a sheet cake. Lol But not everyone has a home to go to and some people did not make it to see 2010. So I will not forget how blessed I am to have family and friends a roof and means to sustain myself. I am blessed and also you remember how blessed you are.
Toye is back to talking and hoping you will ad me to your blogroll this new year :)