Oh Atlanta! How I miss thee. I am sure T.I. did as well. Unless you were living under a rock, I am sure you are familiar with the fact T.I. went away for a year or so for stock piling like he was a militia leader. (You can read my original comments on that here)
So TIP throws himself a welcome back party. When did it become appropriate to celebrate getting out of jail?? I don't think Hallmark has a card for that [Congrats on your release. Hope you didn't drop the soap!] I mean really I feel like its a glorification of breaking the law. You are getting praise for something you weren't supposed to have done.
So him and Tiny seem to be back on track. He has given her a ring and they are engaged, They are in this pic stepping out to this party. They seeem happy. Her with her new hair color of the week, tasting the rainbow as always and him sans weapons. Fabuolous. I really try to like them as a couple, but I am just not feeling it! First off the fact that subtitles are necessary to understand both of them [On T.I.'s Road to Redemption] maybe is causing a disconnect for me. Secondly, I am consistantly confused when people have been together for years and have children together and are still dating or newly engaged. Ummmmm what are you doing? Getting to know each other better?? I mean really! Tie the knot already!
But I guess their dimmuntive sizes and extreme hoodness make them a good match. Its not for me to understand I suppose. However, I need her to keep her man out of trouble from now on. Cause T.I. is beyond his three strikes for sure and with him being 5 foot tall, any long jail stints might make her boo someone elses boo!
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