SIGH but looks like team owner Dan Gilbert had other ideas. I don't even have the energy to waste to copy and paste his letter to fans in what I have now called Dan Gilbert does Bernadine in Waiting to Exhale. That man verbally burned Lebrons car full of all his Cavs uniforms with gas can an match. SMDH. You really would have thought Lebron was his boo and he was breaking up with him!
The only beef I have with Lebron is the manner he made his announcement. Sir! A One hour special???? Really? You couldn't have just tweeted like every other celeb/athlete. It was overboard. We were all witnesses alright. To a steaming hot mess bowl of media whoring.
However, I have a theory. He may have been trying to really make a point to the Cavs. Like hmmm maybe the organization may have known something going on with a close unnamed family member of his and a person who may have been a teammate of his* and not told him and when he found out he may have really wanted to bounce and throw some baby powder as he left (The Decision Special) in peoples faces as he did it.
*I apologize for the vagueness but please see this link to explain why Toye is super vague with the above discussion. A sister is paying loans and certainly can not be sued! http://www.bvonsports.com/2010/05/18/lebron-james-mother-delonte-west/
To quote one of my friends:
"Blame [Insert possible teammate] ... for [insert action verb +ing] Lebron's [Insert unknown family member] ... you gotta leave after that... you know the hood knew what was going on... and no one told him " Sorry for this round of ad libs but do a quick google search if you are still confused once again a sister is pushing 30 and eating ramen. I can't be sued!